Overeating addiction is a type of eating disorder where a person eats large amount of food in an uncontrolled manner. They may eat that large amount of food at one sitting or maybe snacking throughout the day. So what could you do to help alleviate this food addiction? Here are a few dos and don’t that you should know when dealing with an overeating addiction.
Five rules to go by:
- Do eat slowly. Eating quickly encourages overeating. Chew your food slowly and take your time. What is your rush? You won’t be enjoying your food if you just swallow it all down in a hurry. Over eaters tend to eat very fast and are actually full before they realize it. So eat your food slowly!
- Do eat right. Always eat a well balanced meal. You could plan your meals for every week in advance so that you can keep track of what you are eating. On the list, make sure there are balanced portions of meat, vegetables and fruits!
- Do eat vegetables, fruits and grains. They are healthy snacks and a healthier alternative than all the fast food out there.
- Do fill your weekly schedule with exercise. Plan family outings at the parks. Bring your bikes along. Go for a jog every evening or fill your nights with dance classes or yoga classes.
- Do all these activities together with your family! A positive family support is the best way to keep your resolution going!
Five things you need
to avoid:
- Do not ever skip a meal. Skipping meals deprive your body of important nutrients and makes you weaker and more vulnerable to your body’s cravings.
- Do not hoard food. Admit that you have a problem. If you are embarrassed about it, don’t compensate your guilt by eating in secret and hoarding food.
- Don’t include deep fried food or fast food as part of your diet. Replace these with food that have been sautéed, baked, boiled or grilled.
- Don’t rely on crash diets. If you are feeling guilty about your habit, seek professional help. There is always a better and healthier route for you to get rid of this habit.
- Don’t procrastinate! Don’t start your new day tomorrow. Start it now for a better and healthier you!___________________________________________________________________By the way, do you want to learn more about weight loss for women? If so, go to my website and download my free guide, how 10 Best Resources for Women's Weight Loss Report: http://rosacrumpton.com/
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