What the exact cause of food addiction is, is not known. However, there is an emotional element attached to all food addictions. To make it clear, most people turn to something as a coping mechanism when going through a stressful or traumatic period in their life. For some it may be alcohol or smoking and for others, it may be food. If you chose the latter, you may be a compulsive eater or in other words, you are addicted to eating. Most food addicts suffer shame and depression because of their addiction. So how does food addiction start and what is the psychology of it?
addiction like any other addiction starts in the brain. Every time
you feel upset or stressed, you think of ways to relieve your stress.
So for some it may be chocolate for example. The brain will then
make an association, that when you are stressed, you need food. The
brain then concludes or rationalizes that eating food equals to
relief. This association is normally made in the childhood where
eating habits are formed. Compulsive over eaters have never learned
an effective healthy way of dealing with their emotions and instead
turn to food as a means to deal with their emotions.
with the emotional element, food may also have a physiological
addictive element as well. What food is to a food addict is like what
alcohol is to an alcoholic. Therefore like the drug addict or
alcoholic, when attempting to cut down on foods, they may experience
both physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms.
during certain period of the year, we tend to have celebrations or
occasions that centers on food. It is like an invitation to be the
glutton that you have always wanted to be. Occasions such as new
years or thanksgiving where you have food like the turkey. These
events promote and encourage your food addiction even more. So how
would you be able to cut it down when everybody seems to be just
encouraging you to eat?
conclusion, food addiction should not be looked on so lightly as
compared to other addictions like alcohol and drugs. Food addictions
come with its own long term health complications and professional
help should be sought before it is too late.
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