Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Developing Your Core

Not only does a conditioned core make you look good, it is the main group of muscles that support you in an upright position. Your erect posture results from these three main muscle groups of the abdominal core:

  • Rectus Adomimus
  • Obliques
  • Intercostals

Rectus Adominus

Commonly referred to as “abs” or “six-pack” or “washboard”, this flat muscle runs the entire length of the abdomen. It connects just under the pectoralis group on top and at the front of the pelvis on the bottom. Its main purpose is to hold in the internal organs and allow the spinal column to flex forward giving us the ability to bend forward at the waist.


Comprised of the external and internal obliques, these two muscle groups run the whole length of the chest from collarbone to the pelvis. Laterally they start on each side of the Rectus Adominus and wrap around the waist terminating midway down the spine to just above the buttocks (the gluteus maximus). As their name suggests, the internal obliques lie deeper underneath the external obliques.

Both obliques allow us to bend sideways and rotate our trunk in both directions. In addition, the obliques, like the rectus abdominus, also compress and hold the internal organs. The obliques are also responsible in assisting with digestion and are the muscles used when we forcibly exhale along with aiding with good erect posture.


The intercostals muscles run between the ribs and make up the wall of the chest cavity. As with many of the other muscle groups these too also break down into both internal and external.

External – This part of the intercostals are located on the outside of the ribs and function to increase the size of the thoracic cavity – the area from the neck to the diaphragm when contracted. They also assist with normal and forced inhalation.

Internal – The internal intercostals are located on the inside of the ribs and do just the opposite – they make the thoracic cavity smaller when contracted and assist with exhalation, both normal and forced.

Building Core Muscles

While there are dozens of exercises that can build up the abdominal core, these are the basics ones to start with:

  • Rectus Adominus – crunches or sit-ups
  • Obliques – side bends and decline oblique crunches
  • Intercoastals – trunk twists
While having a “six-pack” is the dream of many people, they are far more than for the attraction of the opposite sex. Not only do they serve to make the core more flexible, but also add stability to the posture.
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A Guide to Good Form for Muscle Building Exercises

We’ve all seen it while working out at the gym: some guy swinging a barbell or dumbbell loaded with weights way heavier than he should be lifting, in order to get it to the top of each repetition. Not only is he endangering himself, but others around him. When it comes to weightlifting, it isn’t how much you can lift, but the form you use to lift.

A good way to tell if you are lifting about the right amount of weight is if you can do 8 to 10 reps all in the correct form. If not, then you should drop down to a lesser amount of weight. Here are six tips to maintaining correct form:

Concentrate on yourself

Working out in a gym is not a contest to see who can lift the most weight. It should be you against yourself. In other words, keep your personal best record in mind and work toward a goal of improving on it.

Range of motion

To get the maximum benefit from a muscle building exercise, go through the full range of motion. If you are doing bicep curls, that means going from a fully extended arm to a fully contracted arm in a steady fluid motion – no jerking.


Weightlifting exercises should be done slowly and steadily. There are two parts to most exercises – lifting the weight up and lowering it back down. Both are very valuable when it comes to fully working a muscle. If you don’t take as much time letting it back down and you did pushing it up, you are doing it wrong and missing out on half of the benefit of lifting.

Muscle contraction

Focus on contracting the muscle at the top of the lift. By isolating the muscle, you are ensuring they are doing 100% of the work. Also focused contraction stimulates more blood flow to the muscle making it draw in more oxygen and excrete more waste.

Get a second opinion

Sometimes we think we are using good form while lifting, but from time to time, enlist the help of an experienced friend, fellow lifter or personal trainer. Having a different set of eyes view how you lift can point out some form inequities that may have developed over time.

Adjust your diet

To build muscle, not only is it important what you eat, but also when. If you are not eating enough carbohydrates and protein at the right times, your body is not going to effectively build muscle.

When bodybuilding, carbs and protein are key to building muscle. Most people need 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight to gain muscle mass. Be sure to eat after working out whether that is one of your high protein meals or just a protein shake. Post-workout is when your body really needs the nutrients to repair and grow muscle.
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8 Best Sources of Protein for Muscle Building

While there are hundreds of foods containing protein that you can eat to build muscle, these 8 are the best and will give you the fastest results:

Whey Protein

A muscle building favorite of bodybuilders. When consumed before and after workouts, this complete protein digests fast and is absorbed quickly by muscles thus helping them recover and repair faster. Many of the whey powders contain 15 grams of protein per serving.

At 6 grams per ounce, eggs are another bodybuilder’s go-to protein source. While most of the protein is in the white of the egg, don’t be afraid to also eat the yolk. It is a good source of vitamin B12 which helps in fat breakdown and muscle contraction, and does not increase cholesterol as once thought.


Also having 6 grams per ounce of protein, fish have no carbohydrates and little saturated fat. Fatty fish, such as salmon, halibut, mackerel and trout are also high in Omega 3 - one of the good fats that slows protein breakdown in muscles.


Ounce for ounce, the white meat of turkey and chicken have the most protein – 9 grams per serving. It is also a rich source of vitamin B.

Lean Beef

To find the leanest cuts, look for labels on the packages having “round”, “loin” or the new one “flat iron” in their name. Not only is lean beef a great source of iron and zinc, but also creatine, an energy source for your muscles at 2 grams per 16-ounce serving. Also beef has one of the highest levels of selenium - a prostrate-cancer fighting mineral.


Nuts, especially almonds, are a great source of protein as a snack and are also high in vitamin E. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps muscles recover quicker from workouts and lowers the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Cottage Cheese

When buying cottage cheese, make sure it is made from either low-fat or skim milk. While the protein content can vary among brands, it normally has around 7 grams per ¼ cup serving.

Low Fat and Chocolate Milk

Milk is on this list because it contains both whey and casein protein. When drunk after a workout, the whey protein breaks down quickly to help muscles recover. When taken as a snack before bedtime, the casein protein breaks down slower keeping it in your digestive system longer and giving your muscles a source of protein throughout the night. After a workout, chocolate milk is even better than non-chocolate as it is a more complete source of what your body needs post-workout.

Not only will the foods on this list greatly aid in your muscle building efforts, they also give you enough variety to keep from getting bored from eating the same few foods – something common in many body-building diets.
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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Yoga to Reduce Stress and Fatigue

Do you feel older?  When you look in the mirror are there bags under your eyes and your face just appears to be aging while you look at it?  Big changes in your appearance are usually related to stress.  Stress causes you to lose sleep, actually does damage to your DNA and causes wrinkles.  Yoga is one of the best stress reducers you can easily add to your daily routine.

Studies show that women who participate in simple yoga routines on a daily basis benefit from by reducing the conditions accelerating the aging process going on in the body.  Other benefits of yoga are better flexibility, improved balance, a reduction in back pain and better movement throughout the muscle groups. 

Now you may have visions of wrapping your leg around the back of your neck or having to perform some incredible pretzel movement in order practice yoga.  In fact, the positions described in this article are extremely easy to execute yet they do wonders to reduce stress and improve flexibility.  In fact, you won't even break a sweat. 

There are three simple positions that you can do in 10 minutes that will rejuvenate your energy levels and reduce stress.  They are:

Sitting Pose
Child's Pose
Supported Bridge Pose

Sitting Pose

Sometimes this is referred to as Bound Angle pose.  When you perform Sitting Pose your inner thighs and groin muscles are gently stretched.  This position helps to relax and promotes meditation.  It helps reduce fatigue and the symptoms of menopause. Use a firm pillow or thickly folded blanket to sit on.  This helps get your hips is a position that is more comfortable than sitting directly on the floor.

Place the pillow or blanket on the floor and sit on it.  Sit tall, your back straight, bend your knees and gently pull in your heels as close to your pelvis as you can.  This is similar to sitting "Indian syle" without crossing your legs.  The soles of your feet are touching each other.  Grasp your big toe on each foot with the first and second fingers and thumb of each hand.  Hold this position for 3 minutes. Sit tall. Close your eyes, let your face muscles relax, and focus on your breathing.

Child's Pose

This yoga position stretches hips, thighs and back muscles. Start this position by kneeling.  Sit back on your heels and spread your knees apart to about hip-width.  Bend forward with your arms stretched out and lower your upper body from the waist to your forehead toward the floor.  As you stretch, run the palms of your hands along the floor stretching as far as you can comfortably. Some people benefit by placing a blanket between the calves and hamstrings to minimize the stress on the knees.  Rest in this position for about 3 minutes.  Focus on your breath flowing in and out of your lungs.

Note: People who don't have a yoga block can substitute a thick phone book or firm pillow for the yoga block.

Supported Bridge

This is the more challenging position of the three stress reducing yoga positions.  It stretches the spine, chest, and abdomen and strengthens your lower back muscles.  You need to use a yoga block for support

Lie on your back with the knees bent, feet flat on the floor and arms to the sides with palms down.  Press the soles of your feet into the floor and lift your hips.  While your hips are lifted, slide the pillow or yoga block under your hips and allow your body to rest on the block.  Remain in this position for three minutes; focus on your breathing, in out, in out. To come out of the pose, press into your feet, lift your hips and remove the block. Lower your back to the floor and gently roll to your side and then up into a seated position. 
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The many benefits of yoga

So if yoga is so beneficial to children and mental health, then why isn’t it in more schools? Actually, it is. Since 2002, there has been a push to include yoga in public schools as part of the physical fitness curriculum. The goal has been to see if adding yoga to the standard recess and physical education curriculum has any positive impact on focus, attitude and behavior, and the results have shown an overwhelming increase in attentiveness in class, behavior and test scores.

Today, yoga is practiced in over 100 schools in 26 states, with other states taking notice and pushing for time in their curricula for kids to experience the benefits of yoga. Gym programs are acknowledging its benefits, and even sports teams have discovered its uses at not only strengthening their athletes, but at calming and focusing them before a game.

The mental benefits of yoga are apparent for the young, but what about for seniors? Yoga breathing exercises called pranayama, especially those that focus on rapid breathing, have been found to help counter chemical cell secretions known as prostaglandins. Doctors believe that prostaglandins can cause the brain inflammation that causes Alzheimer's.

In Japan, a study was conducted that looked at 25 individuals over a 30 day period to see if yoga had any benefit to their well-being. In this test group, 15 of the participants were senior citizens aged 65 or older. The groups were asked to perform 90 minutes worth of yoga twice a week, after which they were to provide a sample of salivary amylase to look for a significant change.

Salivary amylase is a chemical that exists in saliva that helps break down complex sugars into simple sugars. Its levels can indicate ulcers, stress and problems with the pancreas. As you become stressed out, your levels of amylase increase dramatically. For most people, an amount of 21-101 U/L is generally considered to be a decent range of amylase. In the seniors tested, the group started with an average of 111.2±42.7, while the younger group began with a range of 60.74±31.8. The groups were tested after each yoga session to see if yoga had any effect on stress levels.

After one month, the senior group dropped in their average amylase count to 83.48±39.5, while the younger group dropped to 42.39±24. In other words, the introduction of yoga to both groups served as a catalyst for the body to produce less of the salivary chemical associated with stress and stress-related problems.

This test is not an isolated incident. Tests have been run in Germany, Utah and Washington D.C. with similar results. Some of these studies went for over 90 days, but they all showed a significant reduction in stress, an increase in the ability to sleep easier and in dealing with stress-related issues, like PTSD. In fact, some of the participants in the studies reported an overall increase in their well-being by as much as 65%.
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Are Yoga and Sports the perfect combination?

For the general public, yoga is associated with meditation, chanting, deep breathing, contemplating one's navel, and other esoteric practices.  Very few people would typically associate it with sports. However, coaches and athletes are seeing many benefits that yoga can offer in the field of sports.  These benefits are well-documented and worth looking into if you are searching for ways to improve your athletic performance. It doesn't matter whether you are a professional athlete or you are into a sport for pure recreation and enjoyment.

Prowess in any sport can be improved by yoga, most especially those that require flexibility, strength, and controlled breathing.  This is pretty much any and all sports. The different poses in yoga stretch the muscles and make for greater flexibility.  By holding the different postures, the muscles become stronger and longer.  These poses work the major muscle groups in the entire body, including the back, abdomen, neck, shoulders, legs, hands and feet.  Flexible muscles and joints make any athlete less prone to injury. Less injury equals more enjoyment and a longer "career"so to speak.

Yoga poses also coordinate with controlled and deep breathing.  The lung capacity is improved, thus boosting aerobic health.  Deep breathing also improves oxygen uptake, sending life-giving oxygen to all the cells in the body. There are many studies that show the immediate effect proper breathing has on the body from reducing stress levels to improving oxygenation in the body.

One of the many benefits of yoga in sports is correcting muscular imbalance.  Muscular imbalance can happen when an athlete or sportsman uses the same set of muscles in one particular way.  A good example is golf.  Most, if not all, golfers swing the club in one direction.  The same muscle groups are used all the time.  This means certain muscles are very well developed while others are not.

Yoga stretches and strengthens all the muscle groups, relieving tension on the muscles used for the sport while working out the other muscles that are neglected when playing golf.  In addition, yoga improves balance and coordination -- characteristics that are vital in any sport.

One of the many sports that benefit from yoga is cycling.  Cyclists can spend hours on the saddle, bent over the handle bars.  Their backs and shoulders become stiff.  Arm and leg muscles also tighten from steering, controlling the bike, and pedaling.  Yoga poses for the spine and back muscles relieve tightness of the back.  Stretching helps ease stiff muscles and joints in the legs, arms, shoulders and neck.  Doing light yoga poses is not only good for a warm-down routine, they are also perfect for warming up before a ride.

Yoga promotes mindfulness, which enables athletes to have more focus and be more attentive to their game.  It strengthens the mind and body connection, which is what every athlete and player needs to stay ahead of the competition.  Whether you are a runner, basketball player, tennis player or weight lifter, the practice of yoga can benefit your sport.

So there you have it, a number of reasons why you should try yoga to improve your sports performance.
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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Raw Versus Cooked Food For Healthy Eating

Why should one cook? It seems like a waste of time if some people are to believed; it destroys nutrients and wastes energy. Eating raw is the natural way, the way nature intended the food to be eaten. It sounds fancily accurate enough to convince many people, but is it the truth?

Nature’s intentions

If we go according to what we know, it is presumptuous to assume that nature produces food to be consumed by humans, or that it does anything with the intention of benefiting us humans. We have been here on this planet for an infinitesimal fraction of time, nature was here much earlier, and it has produced a lot of stuff that will kill us if we consume it. Of course, this whole argument collapses if you don’t believe what the guys sitting in their fancy labs are proving.
Nutrient loss
Baking or frying food at high temperatures does indeed result in some loss of nutrients, a chunk of water soluble vitamins are lost when food is cooked, especially when it is overcooked. But then, in numerous cases cooking also destroys anti-nutrients that inhibit the process of absorption of nutrients in the gut. 
Also, the loss of nutrients is nowhere close to the high percentages proclaimed by the proponents of raw food diets. Take for example raw broccoli and steamed broccoli, close to 25% vitamin C and 20% selenium present in raw broccoli was destroyed during cooking, however, all the other common nutrients showed minimal change.
In case of some vegetables such as asparagus and carrots, and the red fruit tomato, cooking increases the availability of some the advantageous antioxidants present in them. Eating cooked asparagus will give you more ferulic acid than the raw ones; cooked carrots will provide more beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A. Cooking tomatoes breaks down the cell walls, increasing the absorption of lycopene.
Breakdown of enzymes while cooking
Another misconception of some of the raw food proponents is that the breakdown plant enzymes, which happens when they are overcooked, increases the amount enzymes required in digesting them. Even though the plant enzymes are beneficial for us, they do not speed up the process of digestion when consumed; they are absorbed by our digestive juices, like other nutrients.
In fact, vegetable soups and steamed vegetables are easier to digest; the cell structure of the plant is altered by cooking, cellulose is also broken down, which means that fewer enzymes are required to digest them.
Cooking meats
Not only is cooking meats essential in order to minimize the chances of food poisoning, research has shown that cooked meat, and also cooked sweet potatoes, provide more energy than the raw ones. The preference tests conducted on hungry mice showed that they had a strong preference towards cooked food. It is highly doubtful that that was because of the seasonings they put on the cooked food. It suggests that the subjects were aware of the energy benefits of eating cooked food.
So cooking is better than eating raw?
It is not possible to answer this question with a straight forward yes or no. Cooking meat, poultry and seafood is definitely beneficial and should be the preferred method. However, when it comes to vegetables and fruits, it essential to eat them in sufficient quantity. Some vegetables and fruits are better off cooked, some are not.
Unless you are open to put in the effort and make a chart for the better way to consume the common produce, or pay someone to do it for you, eating a variety of produce is what matters. If you have trouble eating raw broccoli, you will still gain a majority of benefits by eating steamed broccoli.

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Why Fiber?

Fiber is of great significance to our health and extremely necessary as a part of our daily diet as it aids in proper digestion and facilitates a healthy lifestyle.

We receive fiber from plant sources hence eating meat or a dairy product does not help our body in procuring the much needed fiber. Therefore a diet rich in plant produces, vegetables, cereals, nuts, fruits help our body in achieving the two main types of fibers – soluble and insoluble – which are both significant in their own ways.

Bran, beans, berries, whole grains and sweet peas are the most fiber rich edibles.

Fiber boosts the body’s immunity saving it from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, controlling blood cholesterol levels and evening aiding in prevention of cancer. Fiber is also significant for weight loss and acts as a check against obesity.

The facts:

Our body’s daily intake of fiber for a good living is around 25 grams a day for women and above 35 grams a day for men below the age of 50.

However, the consumption of fiber is precariously low among people in today’s times, often hovering below 15 grams a day.

Insoluble Fiber

In the day to day functioning, insoluble fiber does not break down during digestion, but, rather helps in the smooth passage of other foods along our stomach and intestine and aids in their absorption. It is a significant part of a healthy bowel system and acts as a preventive measure against digestive problems.

Soluble Fiber

The soluble fiber on the other hand decreases blood cholesterol and must be consumed during constipation as it softens the stools.

Fiber Rich Foods

Fiber rich foods help in keeping a person fuller for longer. This satiates the desire to eat and is often helpful for people working long hours or considering eating a healthy meal. However, one should not switch to a fiber rich diet suddenly as it leads to flatulence, which might make one feel bloated or give rise to stomach cramps. The fiber intake must be gradually increased for best results.

Cooking Fiber Rich Meals

Cooking a fiber rich diet is not much different than cooking an everyday meal. One just needs to include the proper ingredients and make the best choices.

·         So instead of soups with cream and meats, you could opt for a lentil soup, as beans are extremely healthy and rich in nutrients and fiber.

·         In terms of breads use whole grain products instead of white choices.

·         Brown rice and whole grain pasta are also fiber rich and much healthier than their white counterparts.

·         Bran, rice and whole grain cereals, like, Cheerios and Grape nuts give your body the right fiber intake without compromising on the quality or taste of the meal.

·         In case you go hungry in between, consider snacking with nuts, peas and linseed as they are sure to fill your stomach without adding many calories to your body.

·         All fruits are great for your body and contain fiber but for that something extra, consider having more berries as they have the highest resource in that arena.

·         The veggies and fruits are irreplaceable when it comes to fiber rich cooking. Sometimes it is even better to slow cook the meals as the fiber gets incorporated in the entire dish and adds a delightful flavor to your stew, broth, or gravy.

·         Green leafy vegetables, such as, greens, kale, collard greens, turnip greens, swiss chard and spinach are also fiber rich and should be included in at least 2 out of 3 meals daily. Salads are always a must have on your dinner table at all occasions. They are simply healthy and with a light dressing are simply a marvelous way to get fiber.

Love Your Body

Our body needs love, care and attention. Taking care of what we eat ensures that we set up a healthy body with a great immune system. Not just fibers, all nutrients are equally important, including the fats, carbs and proteins. So, at the end of the day, try to keep the diet balanced with the proper fiber count and see wonders happening right in front of your eyes.

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Monday, December 1, 2014

How important is breakfast really?

These days, most people have surely heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Nevertheless, this doesn’t stop an incredible number of individuals from all over the world from skipping this meal or choosing to only have coffee. The reality is that breakfast is really the most significant meal of the day, and you'll have a far more healthy diet if you include breakfast in your life.

 Breakfast is appropriately named: break-fast. People do not eat while they sleep and so for as much as 8 hours the body has not food and even longer when for those who haven’t anything since their dinner meal the night before.

 Consequently, breakfast is the first time a person will eat anything for a long period of time. A number of nutrients, such as proteins, can't be stored in the body and so they need to be replenished.

 Breakfast is similar to the match that lights the fire. It happens to be an essential source of energy that allows the body to function properly throughout the day, and this includes, both an increase in physical and mental capabilities.  

 Studies have shown that those who eat breakfast weigh less than those who don't. Many who don't eat it, wind up starving at lunch and overeating. Overeating leads to obesity, which includes a whole host of problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and others.

 Healthy foods, such as whole grain toast and bagels, eggs, bran cereals and fruit will also be a useful source of vitamins and minerals one needs to provide energy for the rest of the day.

Usually when these are not obtained first thing in the morning, it will be difficult to compensate for them throughout the day. Keep in mind that without the appropriate levels of nutrients, the body will certainly not function properly.

By consuming a healthy breakfast, it can also result in choosing healthier foods throughout the rest of the day, so you consistently obtain the proper nutrition that your body needs.

Setting aside 15 minutes in the morning to enjoy breakfast time can really make a great different in your diet. The best case scenario is that your breakfast will incorporate foods from at least three different food groups.

For instance, you might have a whole grain English Muffin, smeared with skim cream cheese (dairy) group or peanut butter (protein food group) and an orange or orange juice (fruit group). Add a glass of milk, and now you have included the dairy group. 

Breakfast doesn't need to be complicated, even grabbing a fresh bagel or a nutrition bar and a fruit is fine and better than skipping the meal completely.

6 Healthy Breakfast Ideas

  1. Egg White Omelet
Egg white omelets are healthy options for heart health and weight management.

Each yolk in a large egg has 4.5 grams of fat and 1.6 grams of saturated fat, they also have cholesterol, as opposed to egg whites which do not. So if fat intake and cholesterol are a concern, egg white omelets eliminate a lot of fat.

But, the yolk does have essential fatty acids and according to the American Heart Association healthy adults can safely eat one whole egg per day. It really depends on the goals of your diet whether you would include the yolk or not.

Egg whites have only 17 calories and no fat. They also contain most of the egg’s protein, about 4 grams of protein in 1 large egg and other essential nutrients.

Egg white omelets can be made with various proteins, like lean turkey slices, ham, turkey sausage or even turkey bacon. You can also add cheese and a wide variety of vegetables, such as, tomatoes, onions, peppers, mushrooms and even fresh garlic. The possibilities are endless in making these delicious and hearty breakfast meals that are full of protein to provide a lot of energy for the day ahead.

Egg white omelet goes great with 2 slices of whole grain toast!
  1. Oatmeal
Oatmeal makes a wonderful breakfast, as oats are whole grains that offer a high fiber and protein filled start to your day. Add some fresh fruit for some sweetness and delight.

  1. Buckwheat Pancakes
How about some delicious buckwheat pancakes?

Buckwheat is a whole grain that is much healthier than white flour, and is also much less fattening and loaded with nutrients. Since it is low in carbs it has much less impact on blood sugars so it won’t cause to those spikes that cause you to crash and burn half way through a busy day.

One 4” buckwheat pancake has 37 calories, 1.34 grams of fat, 5.1 grams of carbs and 1.42 grams of protein.

Skip the high sugar syrup and top with fresh fruit, fat free Cool Whip or sugar free ice cream toppings that come in many different flavors.

  1. Bagel and Fruit
Another healthy breakfast idea is a whole grain bagel smeared with cream cheese and served with fresh fruit.
  1. Protein Smoothie
Having a fresh fruit smoothie with protein powder is another healthy start to your day and a quick and easy breakfast made with the push of a button on a blender. Use fresh fruit or fresh juice without added sugar for the best energy boost.

  1. Whole Grain Cereal
Another wonderful start to your day can begin with a whole grain cereal and skim milk. Grape Nuts is one of the best healthy cereals that is high in protein -------- and fiber.

These nutrients give you long lasting energy and because this breakfast is so filling you are less likely to over eat throughout the day.

Other healthy cereals include: Cheerios, Rolled Oats and Wheat Chex.

Add fresh berries, such as, strawberries, blackberries or raspberries to cereals for added sweetness, vitamins and anti-oxidants and skip the refined sugar.

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Overeating addiction: Dos and Don’t's

Overeating addiction is a type of eating disorder where a person eats large amount of food in an uncontrolled manner. They may eat that large amount of food at one sitting or maybe snacking throughout the day. So what could you do to help alleviate this food addiction? Here are a few dos and don’t that you should know when dealing with an overeating addiction.

Five rules to go by:
  1. Do eat slowly. Eating quickly encourages overeating. Chew your food slowly and take your time. What is your rush? You won’t be enjoying your food if you just swallow it all down in a hurry. Over eaters tend to eat very fast and are actually full before they realize it. So eat your food slowly!
  2. Do eat right. Always eat a well balanced meal. You could plan your meals for every week in advance so that you can keep track of what you are eating. On the list, make sure there are balanced portions of meat, vegetables and fruits!
  3. Do eat vegetables, fruits and grains. They are healthy snacks and a healthier alternative than all the fast food out there.
  4. Do fill your weekly schedule with exercise. Plan family outings at the parks. Bring your bikes along. Go for a jog every evening or fill your nights with dance classes or yoga classes.
  5. Do all these activities together with your family! A positive family support is the best way to keep your resolution going!
Five things you need to avoid:
  1. Do not ever skip a meal. Skipping meals deprive your body of important nutrients and makes you weaker and more vulnerable to your body’s cravings.
  2. Do not hoard food. Admit that you have a problem. If you are embarrassed about it, don’t compensate your guilt by eating in secret and hoarding food.
  3. Don’t include deep fried food or fast food as part of your diet. Replace these with food that have been sautéed, baked, boiled or grilled.
  4. Don’t rely on crash diets. If you are feeling guilty about your habit, seek professional help. There is always a better and healthier route for you to get rid of this habit.
  5. Don’t procrastinate! Don’t start your new day tomorrow. Start it now for a better and healthier you! 

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Food addiction: the psychology of it

What the exact cause of food addiction is, is not known. However, there is an emotional element attached to all food addictions. To make it clear, most people turn to something as a coping mechanism when going through a stressful or traumatic period in their life. For some it may be alcohol or smoking and for others, it may be food. If you chose the latter, you may be a compulsive eater or in other words, you are addicted to eating. Most food addicts suffer shame and depression because of their addiction. So how does food addiction start and what is the psychology of it?

Food addiction like any other addiction starts in the brain. Every time you feel upset or stressed, you think of ways to relieve your stress. So for some it may be chocolate for example. The brain will then make an association, that when you are stressed, you need food. The brain then concludes or rationalizes that eating food equals to relief. This association is normally made in the childhood where eating habits are formed. Compulsive over eaters have never learned an effective healthy way of dealing with their emotions and instead turn to food as a means to deal with their emotions.

Combined with the emotional element, food may also have a physiological addictive element as well. What food is to a food addict is like what alcohol is to an alcoholic. Therefore like the drug addict or alcoholic, when attempting to cut down on foods, they may experience both physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms.

Furthermore, during certain period of the year, we tend to have celebrations or occasions that centers on food. It is like an invitation to be the glutton that you have always wanted to be. Occasions such as new years or thanksgiving where you have food like the turkey. These events promote and encourage your food addiction even more. So how would you be able to cut it down when everybody seems to be just encouraging you to eat?

In conclusion, food addiction should not be looked on so lightly as compared to other addictions like alcohol and drugs. Food addictions come with its own long term health complications and professional help should be sought before it is too late. 


By the way, do you want to learn more about weight loss for women? If so, go to my website and download my free guide, how 10 Best Resources for Women's Weight Loss Report:

5 signs of an overeating addiction

Compulsive overeating is classified as an eating disorder. The individual consumes large amount of food sometimes at one sitting or they are just constantly eating throughout the day. So what are the signs of an overeating addiction that you could look out for? Here are 5 signs you could try and identify. 
Firstly, watch out for unusual eating habits. If they are eating fast and uncontrollably even if they are not feeling hungry any more. They are more likely to hoard food because they tend to have secretive eating habits for fear of being judged by other people over the amount of food that they are eating.
Secondly, some over eaters use eating as a coping mechanism. They may use it as an outlet to vent their emotions. Remember to pay close attention to the emotions that the individuals are going through. The individual might be feeling strong emotions such as depression, mood swings or anxiety. Sometimes they eat to feel better of themselves and afterwards they start feeling guilty for the large amount of food that they have just consumed.

Thirdly compulsive overeating can also cause health complications to the compulsive eater. One sign to identify are if they are experiencing shortness of breath, being easily fatigued, or excessive sweating. Other signs may include insomnia or poor eating habits.
Fourthly, compulsive over eaters often go through major changes in weight. They feel guilty for consuming so much that they may go through a period of chronic dieting. This is to lose back all the weight that they have gained. So be sure to pay attention if there are dramatic changes in physical appearances or fluctuations in weight.

Lastly, you may also observe if the person withdraws or isolates themselves from friends or families. They usually lose interest in other activities and are more constantly thinking about food or their body weight. So start paying attention, especially if they appear distant and indifferent towards other people.

Most of all, if you do notice a loved one who may be a compulsive eater, do have a talk with them. If they permit it, seek professional help. It is better late than never before their compulsive overeating leads to much worse health complications. 


By the way, do you want to learn more about weight loss for women? If so, go to my website and download my free guide, how 10 Best Resources for Women's Weight Loss Report: