Monday, December 1, 2014

5 signs of an overeating addiction

Compulsive overeating is classified as an eating disorder. The individual consumes large amount of food sometimes at one sitting or they are just constantly eating throughout the day. So what are the signs of an overeating addiction that you could look out for? Here are 5 signs you could try and identify. 
Firstly, watch out for unusual eating habits. If they are eating fast and uncontrollably even if they are not feeling hungry any more. They are more likely to hoard food because they tend to have secretive eating habits for fear of being judged by other people over the amount of food that they are eating.
Secondly, some over eaters use eating as a coping mechanism. They may use it as an outlet to vent their emotions. Remember to pay close attention to the emotions that the individuals are going through. The individual might be feeling strong emotions such as depression, mood swings or anxiety. Sometimes they eat to feel better of themselves and afterwards they start feeling guilty for the large amount of food that they have just consumed.

Thirdly compulsive overeating can also cause health complications to the compulsive eater. One sign to identify are if they are experiencing shortness of breath, being easily fatigued, or excessive sweating. Other signs may include insomnia or poor eating habits.
Fourthly, compulsive over eaters often go through major changes in weight. They feel guilty for consuming so much that they may go through a period of chronic dieting. This is to lose back all the weight that they have gained. So be sure to pay attention if there are dramatic changes in physical appearances or fluctuations in weight.

Lastly, you may also observe if the person withdraws or isolates themselves from friends or families. They usually lose interest in other activities and are more constantly thinking about food or their body weight. So start paying attention, especially if they appear distant and indifferent towards other people.

Most of all, if you do notice a loved one who may be a compulsive eater, do have a talk with them. If they permit it, seek professional help. It is better late than never before their compulsive overeating leads to much worse health complications. 


By the way, do you want to learn more about weight loss for women? If so, go to my website and download my free guide, how 10 Best Resources for Women's Weight Loss Report:

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